As that there has been so much discussion about various Buuteeq issues in the past few weeks, I’ll give a brief background on what this post IS and IS NOT about.
- Your Web site content being copied / scraped for display on Wandari.
- Your Buuteeq Facebook App (if you said yes to Buuteeq’s phone solicitations)
IT IS ABOUT Buuteeq creating unauthorized and non-requested web site pages for many of our Acorn IS Clients (and other Innkeepers), and allowing them to index on Google. Buuteeq states this was caused by a “BUG” in their system. See Below.
Preview Websites — A bug in our system …”However, we had a bug that was affecting some of our free customers, which led to some seeing “unsightly ugly preview websites” which may have been crawled and showed up when very specific (not natural language) search queries were made in google. This bug was fixed earlier this week, the day it was reported to us, and the impact of the fix is propagating on the web now (google refreshes its index every couple of days, sometimes a full week, so there are still some lingering evidence/remains out there but they will soon abet)”… “The system has been fixed and these preview websites are no longer crawl able (they have the “no-follow” tag so google will ignore them). As with all software there are always possibilities of additional bugs/scenarios, and we appreciate any and all feedback and reports of these type of clear system malfunctions.” [Link]
It has been more than a full week and these unauthorized pages have yet to abet. Experts indicate that it can take 30, 60 to 90 + days for a page to naturally re-index, depending on various factors. We have allowed the time Buuteeq advised, and we are now taking action for our Clients.
Note to Acorn IS Clients: We identified almost 50 of our clients as having Google Indexed, unauthorized Buuteeq Web sites when this incident arose two weeks ago. Each of you have already been contacted, and we are handling the removal process for you. IE: YOU HAVE NOTHING YOU NEED TO DO. Please look in your E-Mail for that correspondence.
This Blog post is for any Innkeeper out there who needs to know how to deal with clearing these unauthorized sites out of Google Cache or for those simply interested in learning more about what is happening in our industry.
Very Important: You must follow the instructions in the Video below “to the letter”. If you are even the slightest bit confused as to the instructions, as they are somewhat lengthy and comprehensive, please consult with your webmaster before proceeding.
Basic Steps (We Highly Recommend you Watch the Video for the Live Process)
Step A – You must have and be logged into your Google Webmaster Tools Account.
Step B - Go To Googles Webmaster Support Site [Click Here]
Step C – Choose “Remove content from another site from Google’s search results”
Step D – Under What content do you want to remove? Choose “Request removal of an entire page”
Step E – Click "Go to the Google public URL removal tool."
Step F – Click "Create a New Removal Request"
Step G - Copy the URL of the webpage you want removed. The URL is case-sensitive—use exactly the same characters and capitalization that the site uses. Follow the instructions provided on how to find the right URL.
Step H – Enter in a "Word" from the Cache Page that is no longer on the “live” page. Follow the instructions provided.
Step I - Click "Remove Cached Version of this page."
Note: We are finding it takes 2-3 days for any one of these page to be totally removed from the Google SERPS once you successfully complete the steps above.
Why did all of this happen?
Experienced Professionals (White Stone Marketing, InsideOut Solutions, EW3D, rezStream, Acorn Internet Services, Inc., etc.) in our industry all use appropriate techniques to keep each of our own staging / development content from being indexed by the search engines. Typically most use a password protected server to keep Google’s “indexing eyes” from ever seeing any content during development, let alone indexing it as duplicate content. We are unsure as to why these safeguards were not put in place by Buuteeq in advance of their “Bug” discovery. Or why they are still not fully in place for all their sub-domain testing areas. Especially in light of the fact that they were creating content for Bed and Breakfast Inns that never asked or authorized them to, and Google was indeed indexing it.
Filing a Complaint
Multiple Innkeepers have asked if there is a place they can file a complaint online regarding Copyright issues. Google provides a “Report a Page” Feature [Click Here]
Step 1: Choose “Copyright and other legal issues”
Step 2: Click the “Web Search” radio Button.
Step 3: Choose the appropriate radio button choice, and follow their instructions to address your concerns with Google.
Note: You must be logged into your Google Account to report a site.
Lisa Kolb
President and Co-Founder
Acorn Internet Services, Inc.
Educating our Industry One Innkeeper at a Time!
I am very concerned about this issue and have spoken with the folks at Buuteeq asking them to remove the unauthorized website they created for my inn on their server. I am not only outraged that they duplicated my website copy and used my photos without my consent, but also by their initial response and then their so-called solution…. I hope that if other innkeepers are having the same experience that they will speak up.
Thank you for the information and great help with this video.
I am at a loss for anything good to say about this other company for trying to “Help” us all out and turning our jobs into a huge pain in the rear. I just hope that they have learned a huge lesson that Innkeepers and their chosen Web design companies are paying attention and will do what ever it takes to protect our businesses.
I am thankful every day that through your training and classes I have become a much more web savvy Innkeeper.
Again THANK YOU for taking the time to train us in fixing this ourselves.
`Tammy, Innkeeper at White Oak Manor bed and breakfast in Jefferson Texas.
I followed your instructions typing in my Inn name + buuteeq. I did not see that they are indexing my web pages, but I am still concerned. I was one of the first in my area to sign up for the FB offer. It looks beautiful. But I have noticed a drop in spring inquiries. Should I still be concerned. Should I have my web master go through these steps for me as a precaution?
Your site was one of the web sites that Buuteeq had indexed on their server.
It’s URL was:
I see that Forest Key Published an Addendum on April 17th and 19th to his Blog Post of Easter Sunday 2012 that reads: “There are no “unauthorized sites” or content of any kind that needs to be “de-indexed from Google”–we have received ZERO inquiries or requests regarding this subject and any posts anywhere to this effect are disingenuous. Anyone with a honest concern over their own property of those of their customers would of course, as a basic rational step, first contact us directly to discuss. This has yet to happen. On the other hand, someone trying to execute a FUD campaign (spreading fear-uncertainty-doubt) as a “customer retention effort” within the B&B community is perpetrating real harm to innkeepers who are needlessly alarmed and confused by such actions. As several of you have put it to us in email and by phone “we see this for what it is”, as do we, and we will continue to ignore.”
Which was odd, because Brandon Dennis then Posted on the PAII Forum on April 24, 2012: “Hi, I just wanted to provide an update on this issue. Our engineers have been working with the Google system for the last couple weeks to automate and speed up the de-indexing (which normally takes up to three months). At this time, all our preview sites should be de-indexed, forever. If you see something showing up in your search results, please let us know immediately by emailing us at or calling the phone number listed on our website.”
I no longer see your Buuteeq web site as indicated above showing up in Google.
There have been a lot of Google Algorithm changes in the past few weeks that could affect your placement. You might want to have your webmaster look into those changes to see if any might be the cause to the drop in your spring inquires.
There is more information available on this topic at:
I am Andrea and I am writing to you from Italy for the reason why a little problem with google, I watched your video about how to remove unauthorized url from google and and sincerely I liked it a lot.
I have a problem with a URL that contain news I do not like it, I called the webmaster and the does not want to remove it from web.
So, I kindly ask you, if a tell you the exact URL could you remove it from google research?
Tell me
I am looking forward writing to me
Many thanks
Hi Andrea,
You can’t force Google to remove a URL, and we can’t do it for you. If the URL has prohibited content, Google will possibly de-index it. To attempt that, here is a link to their guidelines:
Good luck!