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Is Your Site Fast Enough for Mobile Users? Google Will Tell You!

If you have a website and are signed up for Search Console and Google Analytics (if you aren't, you should be!), you may have recently received an email from Google. This email gives you your site's score on mobile friendliness, mobile speed, and desktop speed.

Google Analytics site speed email All three of those pieces are very important to mobile users. Did you notice the chilling warning:

"If your site isn’t set up for mobile, people will probably leave within seconds."

Google has been warning site owners for years about mobile usability. They have proclaimed Responsive Site Design their preferred configuration. They have introduced a Pagespeed tester to check your own sitespeed and a Mobile Usability tester to ensure that your site is friendly to people on mobile devices. They are now sending direct emails to help you get your site "up to speed" (pun intended). Don't ignore these signals. We always listen and implement carefully when Google actually tells us what they want!

Our in-house testing matches Google's claim that more than 50% of traffic is coming from mobile devices. You can check this for yourself in Google Analytics. You can't afford to lose those views. Say a potential guest is searching for an inn in your area, but your site is not mobile-friendly. First, you might experience a de-ranking in mobile search results, which might mean the guest never even sees your inn listed, particularly if you're in a high-competition area. Next, if the potential guest finds your result in Google, and clicks to open your site, but it takes too long to open, they will likely just move on to the next result. Say that the site does open, but because it's not mobile-optimized, the guest finds it hard to read - the text is too small, and the buttons too close together, making finding information difficult - again - you may lose that guest from pure frustration.

Don't let potential bookings slip through your fingers due to a bad or completely missing mobile experience. Acorn has been building responsive websites since 2013, making sure to always include Google's latest recommendations and updates. If you need to get Up To Speed with mobile usability, call our Sales line at 877-ACORN 99 (877-226-7699), or email to get a bid for a new, mobile-friendly website.

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