As we all know, Google is continually changing, keeping the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) world in a state of flux. Over the past 10 years, Acorn IS clients have enjoyed a great return on investment (ROI) from the SEO work that we have provided.
We are constantly tweaking and fine-tuning our On-Page SEO marketing based on Google's Guidelines as well as our extensive on-going analysis of Google's algorithm updates. We have watched Google grow and change during the past decade plus, and from time to time, take us all on a Wild Ride! Our experience will tell you, it always settles down after a big change such as these newest and soon-to-be updates.
Acorn IS wants to make sure that we communicate what is known about these newest changes to our clients, so that you can stay informed about how these changes could possibly impact your organic placement. Especially for our Clients that have been in business a very long time, as you have experience riding all the ups and downs with Google's algorithm changes.
- Have you reviewed your SEO On-Page / Organic marketing lately?
- Have you checked your benchmark report to see if you are maintaining your placement?
Now would probably be a good time to consider re-examine your marketing.
To help determine if your On-Page SEO needs to be updated due to Google's latest and pending set of changes, Acorn Internet Services is here to help.
We offer many different services to assist you with your Web site placement over and above the Acorn University training for those Do-It-Yourselfers. And for those that attended, we talked in depth on these changes at our Club 60 webinar yesterday.
Acorn Internet Services can provide a SEO review for existing SEO clients. This review checks to make sure your chosen Keyword Phrases are the very best they can be for your site and they are being used correctly in light of Google's changes. We also review your text to make sure that it is providing the best content possible for your readers. The estimated cost of the Marketing Review is based on how many pages of your site you have marketed.
Another tool that we provide all SEO customers is a Benchmark report. If you have been unable to keep up with your on-going Benchmark Reports, and would like us to perform an updated check to see where your placement is, please let us know. The estimated cost for this effort is approximately $30.
Finally, these newest changes are also looking at In-Bound (back) links. We’ve seen some of our clients haunted by past provider’s link building campaigns that were not exactly white hat. If you prefer not to do your link review yourself, we are happy to help.
If you are interested in having either a SEO review completed on your site, an updated Benchmark report or a In-Bound Link Review, please contact me directly. You will find my information listed at the end of this post.
Want to learn more? Watch Today’s Whiteboard Friday by SEOMoz.
Helena Stamper
719-329-0977, Extension 2
SEO and Marketing Project Manager
Acorn Internet Services, Inc.
Just today, I was checking our progress and I noticed something very unusual.
I found that there was only ONE page of “Places”, the 10 pack and no way to click or move to a next page. While searching for “Everything” there were more pages but only on the first page was there the 7 pack.
Very interesting indeed!
We are happy to share our blog with anyone that can use it to grow their business.
A credit and link will be fine.