Do you know what Marketing Asset you have in your Innkeeper’s Toolbox that provides your guests every reason possible to “Choose You” over your Competition? ... It’s your Web site of course!
You physically cannot speak to every potential guest to TELL them in person how wonderful your Inn is, but your Web site can. It has the potential to speak volumes when constructed properly.
I am always surprised when I talk to an Innkeeper who hasn’t stopped to consider that their Web site is (or has the potential to be) their Best Marketing Asset!
In addition to Acorn Internet Services, there are many quality vendors in our Industry that know how to make your Web site sing, and it’s performance will render bookings well beyond your expectations!
On the Flip Side, there are also other vendors that we’ve seen come and go in our Industry, looking to grow their bottom line at the expense of Innkeeper's pocketbooks. Some fade quietly away, where others have taken unsuspecting Innkeeper’s number one asset, their Web site, and left it in total disarray.
-- Your Web site Support Framework needs to include all the items listed below --
Therefore your Web site company should offer quality support for each of these items as part of their services.
- On-Page SEO
- Off-Page SEO
- Clearly defined Web site ownership
- Ability to Move the Web site to ANY host of your choice, and have it function properly
- Local Places (Google, Bing, Yahoo) Support
- Professional E-Mail hosting Support and Backups
- Professional Photography
- Social Media for the Inn (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google +, etc.)
- Social Media Sharing for your Guests on Blog, Mobile site and Web site
- Blog Setup and Training to Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts
- Analytics Tracking installed on Blog, Mobile site and Web site
- Changing Google Algorithm Support
- Newsletter Writing and Templates
- Gaining Free Press
- Establish Video Presence (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)
- Design a Mobile Site as per Google Standards
- Ongoing Education
- Etc.
Remember, when a Web site company is truly a Quality Company, they will NOT push you into any Snap Decisions by dangling incentives to get you to say YES before you hang up the phone.
A Quality Web site Company will give you ample time to check into their background, determine typical expected results and encourage you to seek their customer’s feedback.
If you are in Need of a New Site Design, we are here to Help!
We offer both high end Custom Designs and more moderately priced Turnkey Designs. Both are exceeding our client’s expectations for bookings and increasing guest’s user satisfaction!
*** Click here to Read our Latest Design Client Testimonials ***
Please call us at 877-226-7699 to request a bid, or simply inquire about our different design solution options. We look forward to helping you Grow your Business!
Lisa Kolb
President and Co-Founder
Acorn Internet Services, Inc.
Educating our Industry one Innkeeper at a Time!