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Innkeeper Blogging Products: Pros and Cons

The very best way to choose a blog product for your Inn is to first get the facts.  There is much hub-bub out there in our industry today and it is imperative to separate fact from fiction.

After owning and running an Inn for over 9 years, we know the key in choosing a software product is to keep things in perspective and not just follow the slickest sales pitch.

The real questions you need to ask yourself are:

1) What is your skill level?
2) What do you want the product to do for you?
3) How much is it going to cost per month to maintain and upkeep your blog product choice?

That's why we've provided the following Pros and Cons fact sheet for Innkeepers using both WordPress and Google Blogger.  You decide which product will best suit your needs, and go get blogging!

Click Here to read the comprehensive Acceptable Blogging Products for Innkeeper Use Fact Sheet.

Lisa Kolb
President and Co-Founder
Acorn Marketing

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