Acorn Marketing

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Time vs. Money - The value of your Web Presence and Social Media

We thought it would be interesting to put into perspective the value of the time that should be spent in 1 month for continued SEO Placement, Social Media upkeep and Basic Web site Tracking.

These time estimates come from years of experience working with our innkeepers, and having been innkeepers ourselves. It is approximately this amount of effort that produces the best results. It tallies out to be about 1 hour a day.

We did not include initial setup or education and training of these items, just the monthly ongoing level of support that we find is keeping our customers well placed in Google along with good solid ROI, even in our current economy.

We based this on a flat estimated rate of 1 hour of time is worth $50.

$500 = Blog Updates, 4 times a week, 30 minutes per post

$67 = Twitter / Tweeting, 4 times a week, 5 minutes a day

$100 = Facebook maintenance (over and above the auto Blog posts), 30 minutes a week

$100 = Specials and Packages creation and updating to all listing systems (BnBfinder, etc.), your Web site, Etc., 2 hours a month.

$100 = Update Web Site with current information for SEO freshness (events, specials, etc) using a Content or Web Editor. 30 minutes a week

$200 = Monitoring Google Alerts, Twitter Alerts, Trip Advisor, for any potential issues regarding branding, and for inspiration for upcoming Blog Posts. 2 hours a week.

$50 = Newsletter 3 hours a quarter to produce and send 1 newsletter a quarter

$67 = Monitoring and documenting SEO Benchmark Placement for site search phrases 20 minutes a week

$50 = Monitoring Blog Posts and Web Site Statistics, including Bounce Rates, Visitor Tracking and Referrals, 15 minutes a week.

$200 = Miscellaneous, Attending training classes, testing results on new Article Sites, E-Zines, Reciprocal Links, trying new things, etc. 2 hours a week.

Acorn knows that customers that get involved are those that succeed.

There is a reason our motto is: Knowledge is Power!

Want to get involved? Choose a Webinar and attend. You won’t be disappointed.

The alternative? When you add it all up it comes to $17,000 (ish) a year.

It really just comes down to Time vs. Money.

Lisa Kolb
President and Co-Founder
Acorn Marketing
Educating our Industry One Client at a Time!

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