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#BOOKDIRECT Guest Education Day - February 5, 2020!

Tropical breakfast on white background with text: BookDirect Education Day February 5, 2020

The Third Annual #BookDIRECT Education Day is almost upon us! Wednesday, February 5, 2020, is the day set aside for lodging professionals to educate guests and potential guests on why it's so important for them to book directly with a property instead of an OTA. There are so many ways to start spreading the message. Here are some examples:

Use Social Media: Post images and information on your social media channels about the benefits of booking directly with you - you can even do "FaceBookDirect" specials, using a promo code. Here are a few image examples from the Association of Lodging Professionals (don't forget to use the hashtag #BookDirect in your post!):

Examples of BookDirect Messages to use on social media

Send Them a Letter: As you gather guest emails, send newsletters describing Book Direct specials/addons, etc, that can be used by returning guests booking directly from your website.

Wear It and Workit!: Wear your #BookDirect button as you serve guests at breakfast, post cute reminders on your tables, just make sure your guests know that booking direct is a benefit for them, as well as you.

Make Them an Offer They Can't Refuse: Some of our successful innkeepers have offered guests who book direct a special touch - a bottle of wine, a custom coffee mug, and in some cases, even Breakfast! Make sure the OTA guest sees that the #BookDirect guest is getting something extra.

Use those Reviews: Ask your guests to mention the benefit they received by booking direct in their reviews. This is especially easy to do with returning guests - then in your management response, reiterate why Booking Direct is Best!

Keep Informed: Make sure to register for updates at BookDirect.Education so that you can keep abreast of what is happening in the #BookDirect movement!

As you can see- there are many ways to alert your guests to this important issue - and innkeepers and associations all over the world are coming up with new ideas. Don't keep it to just one day a year, either - keep spreading the message and educating the public!

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