I am excited to announce that the Local University team, co-founded by David Mihm, will be presenting again this year at the (MAI) Mid Atlantic Innkeepers Conference on Sunday March 9th, 2014. Below is the list of speakers and the agenda for this information packed 4 ½ hour session. A new face will be joining us this year: Derek Wetzel, Product & Operations Specialist for the Google Places Business Team.
We hope to see you there!
A Special “Add On” Benefit for our Acorn University Students
Again this year, I personally will be attending the Local U Advanced Session being held on Saturday March 8th, 2014, the day before the MAI conference begins.
The top experts in Local Search under one roof with one goal... sharing everything.
"Whether you run an agency that serves brick-and-mortar businesses, work in-house for a large brand or Internet Yellow Pages publisher, or are trying to find the hottest opportunity in the bloodiest of all bleeding edges in search marketing, you won’t want to miss Local U Advanced.
On Saturday, the sessions will be action-packed, presented at an advanced level and feature ALL of the most up-to-date information about what’s working and what’s not in Local Search Engine Optimization."
I attended the Local U Advanced Session last year, and was able to bring back and share concepts, translated into DIY Innkeeper language for our Acorn University Students as part of Club 60. We conducted multiple week sessions of Club 60 webinars to share what was appropriate for our DIY Innkeepers to know! Also as a result of attending these Advanced Expert Sessions last year, Acorn IS committed to become a fully RESPONSIVE Web Design Company by mid 2013, and created the new and inventive Go-Trippin product!
I personally cannot wait to be inspired again this year by some of the most knowledgeable experts available today in the Local Search arena!
Lisa Kolb
Acorn Internet Services, Inc.
President and Co-Founder
"Educating our Industry One Innkeeper at a Time!"