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Everything you need to know to build a Superior Web site

The days of simply hiring a designer to create a “pretty” Web site is gone. To create a Web site that will function well in Google and the other search engines, you need to hire a company that provides all of the following…

  • A designer (for look and feel)
  • A qualified developer (for site functionality and speed)
  • A proven hosting company (speed and maintenance)

…that can proficiently handle all the rules, requirements and guidelines being provided to us by Google.

2013 Google Market ShareYou MUST care about EVERYTHING Google tells you to do with your web presence. After all, their market share as a Search Engine dwarfs all others, and has been the ruling force for years.

That said, if your current Web site is not meeting most / all the following requirements below, it is time to look for a provider that can incorporate all of these items into your online presence. Most of which all stem from Google Requirements and Google Guidelines. Please see the Sources section at the bottom of the post for references, tools and further education.

Acorn Internet Services, Inc. is currently incorporating all of these items into any and all Web sites we create.

As you begin your search for choosing a provider to fill this role, I encourage you to use this info-graphic when speaking with them.

The last thing you can afford to do is spend money on a “New” Web site only to find out it doesn’t meet the requirements currently needed for a “Superior Web site” Design in today’s online market.

Building a Superior Website









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