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Acorn Responsive Design Conversion - The Franklin Victorian Bed & Breakfast

Acorn has started building all of our sites in Responsive Design. In addition to that, we also have started converting existing Turnkey sites into responsive design. Our first conversion was the Franklin Victorian Bed & Breakfast in Sparta, Wisconsin.

Here is the full site, as you would see it on a laptop or desktop:
franklin-victorianAnd here is the site as seen on my Android phone:
fvbb-phoneThis is not a separate mobile site or a plug-in, but the same site as seen on two different devices. Responsive Design will appear to best advantage on any size screen, making using it very comfortable for the potential guest.

If you have an existing Turnkey site and would like to have it converted to a responsive design, the cost is $500. Please contact Mark Hall ( to be placed on the waiting list.

If you have an Acorn built site that is not a Turnkey, the cost will be different and will vary from site to site. Please contact our Sales Manager, Tammy Doriot ( for a custom quote.

Thank you to Jennifer Dunn of The Franklin Victorian Bed & Breakfast for being our first conversion!

Annie Buck
Social Media and Local Support
Acorn IS



One thought on “Acorn Responsive Design Conversion - The Franklin Victorian Bed & Breakfast

  1. I’d like to add just a brief technical comment to this post.

    Google’s REQUIREMENTS regarding Design is as follows:

    “Sites that use responsive web design, i.e. sites that serve all devices on the same set of URLs, with each URL serving the same HTML to all devices and using just CSS to change how the page is rendered on the device. This is Google’s recommended configuration.

    If you are looking at investing in a new design, make sure you are choosing the current Responsive Design Technology, and that your finished product meets all of Google’s Standards, including, but not limited to Speed and User Experience.

    Read More:

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