Our Club 60 webinar today was attended by many eager to learn Acorn University students. This morning’s session was the FIRST in a 4-part series we are holding throughout the month of April, to provide tips and hints from a few of the prominent names in Local Search.
I’d like to share what inspired the title of this blog post, as it was something one of our attendees said during class today.
“I think what makes Club 60 so much fun is how excited Lisa (and Annie) get about sharing new stuff with us. You guys have your "Geek" on and we all benefit because of it. Thank you!”
As with all our Acorn University Webinars, today’s class was recorded for future viewing by our Acorn University students, so if you were unable to attend, please take the time to watch today’s after-hours recording.
There are only 2 Choices if you want to increase your bottom line in today’s online environment.
Time vs. Money
If you will commit to taking the time to learn, by attending Acorn University classes, and applying what you learn to your business, you WILL IMPROVE your revenue. The only other choice is to pay a professional to do your marketing work for you. Which of course, we are happy to do for you! Though we’ve found that most Innkeepers prefer to DIY, and Acorn University is the perfect program for ANY Innkeeper eager to learn how to better market their business.
If your business isn’t flourishing, it’s time to get learning! Education is your key to success!
If you are not currently an Acorn University Student, there is no better time to join the thriving group of Innkeepers learning the skills to improve their marketing and grow their businesses!
Interested? Call Annie Buck at 877-226-7699 or E-Mail: annie@acorn-is.com to register for 2013.
“As always, thanks for sharing. This simply can't be said enough....
Thank You for educating us so that we can be better at what we do.”
- An Acorn University Student
Lisa Kolb
Acorn University
President and Co-Founder
"Educating our Industry one Innkeeper at a Time!"