Recently several Acorn customers were included in the 100 Best Blogs and Businesses in Hospitality. We would like to recognize and congratulate these great Blogging Innkeepers:
10 Fitch Luxurious Romantic Inn (Auburn, NY) - Innkeeper Cheryl Barber
1825 Inn (Hershey, PA) - Innkeeper Will McQueen
American Guest House (Washington, DC) - Innkeeper Lucia Rosan
Andon Reid Inn (Waynesville, NC) - Innkeeper Ron Reid
Bed and Breakfast Innkeepers of Colorado (Colorado) - Association Site
Brewster House Bed & Breakfast (Freeport, ME) - Innkeepers Scott and Ruth Thomas
The Lion and the Rose Bed and Breakfast (Asheville, NC) - Innkeeper Linda Palmer
Night Swan Bed & Breakfast (New Smyna Beach, FL) - Innkeeper Martha Nighswonger
North Carolina Bed and Breakfasts and Inns (North Carolina) - Association Site
The White Doe Inn (Manteo, NC) - Innkeeper Bebe Woody
And also these friends of Acorn:
Rabbit Hill Inn
Chambered Nautilus Bed and Breakfast Inn
Blisswood Bed and Breakfast
High Pointe Inn
L’Auberge Proveçale
We congratulate all of the innkeepers who put time and energy into their internet presence!
If you want a blog but feel that you don't have time or ability to write, let Acorn's Blog Babysitting service help you. Our professional writing team will construct posts for your blog, to correspond with events in your area, or any other topic you choose, as well as add photos for visual interest. Average cost per post is $60, with a small set-up cost. If you are interested in our Blog Babysitting Service, contact me at 877-226-7699 or
Annie Buck
Acorn IS
Attention: All Non-Acorn University Students. If you are solicited for a link by any site that puts up a mention or link to you, we teach that you should say NO unless and until you have time to do an extensive investigation of who is requesting the link, and the benefit, if any, to your placement by trading that link. (10/29/12)
Out of curiousity, did you not agree with Scott Crumpton and Chef Forfeng about this being a link farm? Just curious.
I completely agree that Innkeepers should NOT be passing link juice back to sites that want to trade links. In fact, Acorn University teaches this in our Link Building that Lasts class, and also is mentioned almost monthly on Club 60. If this or any site gives you an accolade or mention, and then wants a link in return, our Acorn IS clients have been taught to say NO.
The intent of this blog post was best said by Heather Turner (Chef Forfeng). “Congrats to any B&B that made the list though for being an active traffic worthy enough blog to get solicited for this, that in itself is a compliment.” I’ll be curious to see if the conversation that Heather had with this particular site’s owner causes them to adjust their link request practices. As they told Heather: “…the site is not a link farm and they are trying to do a service and be useful to people…” Read More