We are going to take our Blog Posts this week and dedicate them to jump starting those New Year’s Resolutions! 5 days of topics to help you think about planning for 2012!
Let’s Begin with Social Media!
Many Innkeepers have already embraced Social Media to increase their bookings. If you are already Blogging, Facebooking, Tweeting, Google + “ing” and producing Videos for your business then Great JOB!
And your New Years Resolution #1 is to KEEP IT UP!
If you aren’t yet convinced you need to be involved in managing Social Media for your business, then I encourage you to take 15 minutes and watch the 3 videos below, in consecutive order. Note the increase in Social Media use since the first video was posted in 2009.
September 21, 2009
May 10, 2010
June 22, 2011
Social Media is no longer a NICE TO HAVE – it’s a MUST HAVE!
And we encourage you to set your New Years Resolutions #1 to get Social!
Don’t know where to start? Read how other Innkeepers are using Acorn University to help them achieve their Social Media Goals!
“…By the end of November 2011, we had already surpassed our total gross income for 2010 largely due to our web/social networking activities suggested by my Acorn team. THANK YOU Acorn team!" [Read More]
Dee Fegan
Pheasant Field B&B"The classes have helped me to undestand the tasks necessary in today's internet and social media marketplace…. Two years ago I did not know any of this and the classes have truly benefited my business …” [Read More]
Chris Mason
Parish House Inn
“After 35 years in the innkeeping business, having owned a design firm, having worked in marketing, as well as having a dagree in education, we thought we knew it all. Then we met Lisa from Acorn IS. We knew nothing!!
Acorn has given us amazing industry knowledge with their ongoing educational programs… Through Acorn, our online marketing has been given a tremendous boost and our increased occupancy is a testament to that fact.
If you are an innkeeper and you market your inn online through your website, social media and the like, or if you are thinking about doing so, signing up for these classes will be the best investment you could possibly make.
If this hasn't convinced you, give me a call! Elizabeth 508-487-2779" [Read More]
Elizabeth Brooke
Gabriel's at the Ashbrooke Inn
"As a small inn owner, staying out in front of the pack and up with what is going on in my industry is paramount to my success. Participating in Acorn University helps me do just that. We don't have the budget to just hire a marketing firm to do what is necessary on a daily basis to insure that our website is up-to-date or manage our social media efforts. I've had to teach myself the ins and outs of SEO and social media marketing.
Acorn University has been instrumental in helping me do the right things at the right time to increase my internet visibility and fine tune my marketing efforts… [Read More]
Debra Howard
High Pointe Inn
Call us at 877-226-7699 if you would like to Learn more about how Acorn University can help you grow your business in 2012!
Lisa Kolb
President and Co-Founder
Acorn Internet Services
Educating our Industry one Client at a Time!