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Introducing “The Smart Innkeeper Series”

As part of our Acorn University Video Making webinar last week, I put together a fun little "Fairy Tale Classic" video about the "3 Little...Innkeepers?" You’ll find it at the end of this post!

Obviously, the moral of the story is, everyone wants to be like the 3rd Little Innkeeper, whose Web site has withstood all the huffing and puffing of the “big, bad, search engine wolf”. 

But that’s where I am finding so many Innkeepers can so easily get stuck. 
  • They know they need a new Web site design, but don’t think about including On-Page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as part of the Design Process.  
  • Or they know they need Integrated On-Page SEO on their current design, but don’t think about the Ongoing SEO and Marketing Work to support their placement into the future.
  • And some Innkeepers simply are unaware of what SEO is, it's impact on their placement, or even where to begin to construct an Ongoing Marketing Plan.

And I thought… What if we provided every Innkeeper who wanted one, FREE Video Training and a Checklist that would level the playing field when it came to hiring a company to help them with their online presence? 

That way they could make sure they were covering all of today’s standard requirements for quality Web site design, integrated on-page SEO and ongoing SEO and Marketing Plans.

So, with that thought in mind, we developed...

“The Smart Innkeeper Series”

As past Innkeepers ourselves, we care a great deal about the Bed and Breakfast industry as a whole.  We also realize that we are not the only internet provider out there that specializes in the Bed and Breakfast Industry.  So, whether you choose us or another provider for your online web presence, we want every Innkeeper to be as successful as they can be, and thus, keep our industry strong.

That said, please take time to watch “The Smart Innkeeper Series” videos Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 as we release one each day this week.  (Updated 10/28/2011: Links to each video are listed above.)

Download the RFP (Request for Proposal) Checklist for each topic, and feel free to share this information with any and all of your Innkeeper friends and acquaintances who might be looking to invest in a new design, on-page SEO or an ongoing SEO and Marketing Plan. 

And, if there is anything we can do to help you with your online presence, please give us a call at 877-226-7699 or E-Mail us at  We’d love to hear from you!

Lisa Kolb
President and Co-Founder
Acorn Internet Services, Inc.
Educating our Industry one Innkeeper at a Time!

One thought on “Introducing “The Smart Innkeeper Series”

  1. Lisa, what a GREAT idea! The "Three Little Innkeepers" tale certainly makes the need for tech understandable & your series plus expertise makes it accessible to us non-tech innkeepers. Thanks for helping us be successful – we love ACORN!

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