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Are You Exceeding Your 2010 Revenue Goals?

If not, you might want to consider getting involved with Acorn University!

We had awesome attendance at Acorn University’s Beginning Fall Session yesterday!

Our Beginning Fall Session: 100 – Project Management Innkeeper Basics was recorded and is available online if you were unable to attend.  The Innkeeper’s Marketing Project Planner is also available and may be downloaded in either PDF or DOC format from this same Web site page.

Remember, After-Hour-Webinars are Password Protected for Active Acorn Customers throughout 2010.   If you need access to the After-Hour-Webinars, please E-Mail


See what what our attendees had to say about the "Innkeeper’s Marketing Project Planner" and the session introducing how to increase your Revenue by using it!


1 - “I think it’s great that you are offering these educational opportunities.  It’s also very helpful to go to the after-hours site and review the presentations.”
2 - “I love the support & organization this topic provides. It helps clarify the relative importance of topics/projects, where to spend your time, and how all of this fits together.  I can't begin to tell you just how helpful all of this is!”
3 - This information is "soooo freakin helpful – THANKS!”
4 - “Thanks for a great class and the Planner. Now I can get rid of all the post-its that are sticking on everything in my office area with my 'things to do’ listed on them.”
5 - “What a great webinar. The visual presentation showing how everything Innkeepers need to be doing is inter-related and affects online presence was extremely helpful. I will also be attending this webinar ‘after hours.’”
6 - "I really like the addition of the handout (Planner).  This will definitely support the use of the seminar information - Thanks!”
7 - “I thought the presentation was great.   I'm new and have much to learn.  I was inspired and am motivated to learn all I can.”

8 - “Thank you for the up-to-date information. I hope I can stay on track and take advantage of Acorn's expertise in the ever-changing internet world.”

9 - "The webinar, Project Management Innkeepers Basics was the missing key for me.  It has been about a year now that I have been with Acorn and I tell you what a year it has been.  Thanks so much.  Without Acorn I would have been just spinning my wheels!"

10 - “The webinars are great and very informative. Much better than offerings from other organizations.”

Lisa Kolb
President and Co-Founder Acorn Marketing
Educating our Industry One Client at a Time!

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