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Acorn's Snippetmaster Webinar is a Fan Favorite!

Acorn's own Sharon Rowe presented a "How to Use Snippetmaster" Webinar on January 12th. Snippetmaster is a content editing software that  can be installed in web sites, with the end goal of web site owner being able to do their own text and simple photo updates, and not have to go back to their webmaster to pay for the work to be done. You might ask, "Why would Acorn want to help us save money that we might otherwise give to them?" The answer is, we at Acorn have always wanted to equip our customers to do what the can for themselves.  Mark and Lisa Kolb, Acorn's owners, have posted the mission of Acorn Internet Services on our web site:

"The mission of Acorn Marketing is to educate our customers! (Knowledge is Power!)"

Having said that, I would like to share some of the feedback from our customers who attended the Snippetmaster webinar:

"It's not so scary anymore - I really think I will be able to make the little changes myself."
"Excellent. Covered most important parts of using Snippetmaster."
"This is my first webinar and I loved it, the fear is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"I think subject was presented well. From there, it just takes practice!
Thanks so much - really, really looking forward to my new site going live to use it!"

We will present the Snippetmaster webinar again soon- check out our Webinar Schedule to find out when!

Annie Buck
Acorn Marketing

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