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Middlebury Vermont Bed and Breakfast has a New look with Acorn Site-Lift

Swift House Inn in Middlebury, Vermont, wanted a new look, and called Acorn Internet Services for an update. The original site was a little outdated, with smaller photos and a plainer look:

As you can see, the updated site really maximizes the use of beautiful photography by Jumping Rocks, and has a lighter, yet more robust appearance. It also features the "Green Hotel " designation, as well as social media tools like Facebook, Blogger and Twitter.


A "Site-Lift" is different from a new site design in that a lot of the current site's features are re-used, rather than building a new site from the ground up. With Swift House Inn, the navigation, colors, text were all re-used. Here is what owner Dan Brown said about the update:

"We have just had Acorn "refresh" our site, now looks new, more 2009ish, easier to navigate, more info and optimized.  Guests say they like it."

And isn't that what counts? Thanks, Dan!

Annie Buck
Pre-Development Manager
Acorn Marketing

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