Our most popular webinar to date is "School of Blog". We always hear from our customers that people want MORE blog! As a result, Lisa will present School of Blog again on Tuesday, August 25th. This webinar is open to all innkeepers who need a better understanding of blogging, how to do it, and why it's important to have a blog.
Here are a few customer comments from our last School of Blog Webinar:
"This class was so informative, my head is still spinning. I really can't thank you all enough for the time you spend helping us get up to speed and then backing us up when we need the extra helping hand. I love these learning sessions and can't wait for more to come as things improve and move to the future."
"Very informative! Thanks a bunch!"
The webinar will be presented at 8:00am AKT, 9:00am PST, 10am MTN, 11:00 CST and Noon EST.
To register, please follow this link: School of Blog Registration
If you have questions, please contact me:
Annie Buck
Acorn Marketing