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WARNING: You MUST Fix Google mobile usability issues NOW!

Our Google SERP Mobile Placement Predictions of the last few years are about to come true....

Looking Into the FutureIf you don’t have a Google Approved Mobile Friendly site, the wrath of Google Mobile Search Placement is quickly approaching.

Excerpt from Search Engine Land -- Read Full Article

“Google is sending mass notifications to webmasters who has websites that are not mobile-friendly. These notifications contain the subject “fix mobile usability issues found on…” It then goes on to explain that these sites have critical mobile usability errors on 100% of the pages on the site and thus the pages will be “displayed and ranked appropriately for smartphone users."

"These notifications are being sent via Google Webmaster Tools and via email. It is also being sent to sites that are simply not mobile friendly at all and typically, the webmasters know their sites are not mobile friendly. What we have here is Google reminding these webmasters their sites are not mobile-friendly and issuing a warning that the pages won’t rank well in mobile search.”

In addition to these warning emails, Google has already...

  • given you a tool to see if you are mobile friendly
    [Test Site for Mobile Friendly]
  • given you a testing tool to see if your site scores well “IF” you are mobile friendly
    [Test Site for Usability and Speed Scores]
  • they are now emailing you the following “fix mobile usability issues” note to tell you again you are NOT MOBILE FRIENDLY and to take care of the situation now.

You don't have a mobile site - you need to fix it NOW!

  • In early December 2014, we e-mailed our Acorn IS clients who do not have a mobile site.  [Read Email]
  • We’ve only heard back from a small percentage of those we contacted.

This is YOUR MOST IMPORTANT task for the new year.
YOU MUST HAVE A MOBILE SITE, preferably a responsive one.
Why Responsive?  Because that's what Google is telling you to do.  Read More...

Are you going to follow Google Guidelines?
Or are you going to find yourself demoted in Google Mobile Search Results?
Please don't delay.  Need Help?  Call 877-226-7699

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