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Jefferson TX Bed and Breakfast Loves New Web Site Design

Tammy and David Doriot, of White Oak Manor, are very happy with their new web site design.

The Doriots bought the inn not too long ago and knew they needed a fresh site with all of the latest features. Tammy has been a dedicated student of Acorn University for the past few years, and has been hard at work on her social media even in advance of the new site's launch on March 1, 2012.

Tammy sent me a quote for this blog post from her phone while on the road, she was so excited about the new site:

"Woo Hoo! We love our new website, it's fresh, clean and easy to navigate. The design team at Acorn really made our inn shine. Thank you Acorn. 
-Dave & Tammy Doriot"
We know that Tammy's passion for her inn and her work will pay of in success for her business, and we are so happy to be a part of her innkeeping experience.

Annie Buck
Acorn IS

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