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Fun, Education and Mayhem?!? The Mid Atlantic Innkeeping Conference 2011

I wanted to share a little about the Mid Atlantic Innkeepers Conference held earlier this month in Lancaster, PA.

Everyone had a great time in the General Session Exploding some of today’s Marketing Myths! 

If you couldn’t attend or just want to re-live the fun, register now for a repeat performance of this Myth Busting presentation on our next Free-For-All Webinar.

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011 [Click here to Register]
9:00 Pacific | 10:00 Mountain | 11:00 Central | Noon Eastern

I think we succeeded in waking everyone up at this early 8:00 am session with both useful information and a little exploding fun! 

We were also thrilled with the turn-out to our other two sessions.  Many thanks to the helpers who brought in more chairs for the overflow!

- Google Anatlyics Basics held on Sunday afternoon
- Reel to Real Video Making on Tuesday morning

Here are just a few comments from those in attendance!

  • Excellent Content and Presentation
  • Best Session of all! Lisa Kolb is A+.
  • Lisa is always ahead of the curve and so willing to educate.
  • This was very valuable and definitely easy to create a video!
  • Awesome!
  • These types of "how to" presentations are great!
  • Lisa is always very informative with her "how to" presentations.
  • Good hands on experience.
  • I have learned more from Lisa than I can absorb! But I love knowing what I didn't know!
  • Just what we needed to know - not too technical.

And to end this post with a bit of fun, because I have to say, this was a very fun conference, a video from the last night’s festivities!

PS – This video was created with flat photos, using the exact same techniques we taught in the Reel to Real Class.  And just a reminder to the innkeepers that rushed back to their rooms to try out making their own videos, don't forget to drop me an E-Mail so I can see your work!  Isn't Technology Awesome?!?

Lisa Kolb
President and Co-Founder
Acorn Internet Services, Inc.
Educating our Industry one Client at a Time!

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