Acorn Marketing

Acorn Marketing Navigation Menu Featured Property - Retiring July 1, 2018 is retiring their Featured Property product in just over six weeks, on July 1, 2018.

Featured Property Auctions are a way to bid on an auction to show up at the top of a page in

You are required to keep a minimum of $25 in your account in order to be able to submit bids.

We reached out to Janice Hurley Hollis, In Market Strategic Sales Executive for, to answer a couple of questions. Janice, on the ball as always, got us the answers from the marketing team right away!

1- When is the shut-down happening?

The target for the program ending is July 1, 2018.

2- What happens if the inn has money on account? Do they get a refund, or is it forefeited?

We are encouraging all properties to use their FPA funds as soon as possible in order to take advantage of any remaining funds before that date (July 1, 2018). The terms of the program do not allow for refunds (due to the nature of the types of funds in the account). We are willing to deal these situations on a case-by-case basis as the deadline approaches.

Thank you, Janice!

So, if you have money on account for Featured Property Auctions, you will need use it up before July 1, 2018 so that you don't lose it.

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