The Smart Innkeeper Series was developed by Lisa and Mark Kolb, Co-Founders of Acorn Internet Services, Inc. Click for Details
(Search Engine Optimization)
... is intended to educate and help any Innkeeper who is...
- Planning to invest in a New Web Site Design and needs to better understand how the Google Defined On-Page SEO integration should function (OR)
- Any Innkeeper that discovers they currently have a Web Site Design that is lacking the Google Defined On-Page SEO requirements and is looking to hire a company to incorporate those items into their existing design.
The Video below will discuss each On-Page SEO item that must be integrated as part of any Web Site Design in order to place well in the Search Engine Listings. Those items include Title Tags, Description Tags, Search Engine Friendly Navigation and File Structure, Sitemaps, Quality Content, Social Media, Anchor Text, Alt Tags, Heading Tags and Local Listing Support.
Please WATCH the Video and PRINT out the RFP (Request for Proposal) Checklist below to help you prepare to interview Design and SEO Marketing Companies, request bids and estimates, and make a final decision on who you will hire to Design and Develop the New Web Site for your Inn.
On-Page SEO RFP (Request for Proposal) Check List:
Video Transcript:
Lisa Kolb
President and Co-Founder
Acorn Internet Services, Inc.
Educating our Industry One Innkeeper at a Time...