John Johnson of Carriage Way Bed and Breakfast is thrilled with the results from his new web site design:
The part of the site "above the fold" is only the beginning. The new site home page also features a Google map, a "Room of the Month", a Note from the Host, a video, a blog feed and guest book quotes. The colors range from burgundy to a teal blue.
When I asked John for a comment about the new design, he said:
"We are tickled to death with the new website, but the results are even better than we expected. As you know we operate in a highly competitive bed and breakfast market that has grown from a dozen to 30 inns during our 19 years. We have always been very proud of our product and service; but in this market, half the battle is being seen. Our visits, page views and time on the site have all increased while the bounce rate has decreased. Obviously the guests like what they see and we are finding that Google does too! We hope to get you and your family over here someday. "
I've never been to Florida, it sounds great!
We at Acorn are so happy to hear of this excellent result from a new web site design and updated SEO. Search Engine Optimization will help a site be found in search engines, and new design will help keep the visitor interested and on the site.
Annie Buck
Project Manager
Acorn Internet Services