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Social Media and the Innkeeper "Do you need to embrace Social Media or is it a Fad?"

We have been talking about Social Media in our Newsletters, Blog and Twitter for what seems like forever. We have been in this industry for going on 15 years, and when we see Google release the biggest algorithm change since 2005 to adjust their results to be more REAL TIME (and announce it on YouTube) I for one sit up and go "HUMM".

Today's world is craving REAL TIME, REAL PEOPLE, REAL RESULTS. Terry Hammer at the Hermann Hill Inn passed on this video. I think it SO describes the way our world (and our direct industry) is heading.

Remember, as we progress into 21st Century client relationship building, your future guest demographic is quickly becoming those that prefer a text message over a phone call, Twitter over an email, and Facebook over a newsletter.

Please, take a moment and watch this video.

Then ask yourself "Is this a Fad?" If the answer is "NO" --- your next step is to get involved.

We are making every effort possible to help our innkeepers stay ahead of the curve. (And at the same time not break the bank.) Those of our customers who are already working at this new concept of "Social Media" are succeeding. Don't get left behind. We will help you.

And as I have said again and again. You can't learn to swim until you get in the water. It's the same with Social Media. You have to dip your toes in. With our guidance, and your willingness to try something new, you will be on your way to a solid (and Social) future!

Lisa Kolb
President and Co-Founder
Acorn Marketing

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