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Twitter Widget Plugin - Steps to Create One for your Blog or Site

Another 5 Minute Marketing Video to help you with your business!

Step by Step Instructions on how to get the code to give your programmer (or install yourself in your Google Blogger account) for a Simple HTML or Flash Plugin of your most recent Tweets.

Step 1: Log into your Twitter Account

Step 2: At the bottom of your screen Click APPS

Step 3: At the top of your screen Click Widgets by Twitter

Step 4: Choose your Platform (Blogger, Type Pad or Other if you are putting it on your website) and click Continue

Step 5: Choose either Flash or HTML

Step 6: Choose # of Updates and Title for the Widget

Step 7: Block copy the code in the box and ship to your webmaster to install or create a Javascript entry for your Google Blogger Blog.

Want to see this in action?

Look to the right of our Acorn Blog for our last 3 Tweets posted in Twitter.

Lisa Kolb
President and Co-Founder
Acorn Marketing

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