2015 Pre-Pay Sign-Up available through 12/15/14
If you choose to pre-pay your 2015 Hosting, E-Mail and other server related monthly service fees, we will credit you a 5% savings for the ENTIRE YEAR on these services.
Discounted billing will appear on your January 1, 2015 invoice and will be due on January 16, 2015.
Please note that our Hosting and E-mail costs ARE NOT INCREASING as we head into 2015.
If you took advantage of the pre-pay discount for 2014, you
are already enrolled for 2015 and don't need to do anything. |
If you would like to sign up for the 5% savings, please E-Mail annie@acorn-is.com to get set up.
- The deadline to enroll in this program is December 15, 2015.
- If we do not hear from you, we will continue to invoice these fees on a quarterly basis.
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Google is EXPOSING your Mobile Presence...
... Or lack thereof!
Yesterday morning, I sent out a personal E-mail to over 100 Acorn IS Clients.
This note went out to Innkeepers who have NO MOBILE PRESENCE at all.
You can see what I shared here.
As of Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Google is now exposing these sites as NOT Mobile-Friendly in their Mobile Search Results.
This is NOT a good thing for businesses without a Mobile Site!
Click here to learn more about Google's latest technique for "EXPOSING" Business Owners without a Mobile presence, and benefiting those who do have one!
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Acorn University 2015

Acorn University is gearing up for 2015! It's a great time to get involved and be aware of changes in the internet world that affect your business!
If you sign up and pay for Acorn U now, you will get 13 months (December 2014-December 2015) for the price of 12!
Acorn U consists of webinars on all facets of internet placement, including a monthly Q&A session to ask any questions about any subject; Club 60, which is the most in-depth and latest information; and bi-weekly classes on subjects from social media to Google placement and everything in between!
Isn't boosting your business worth the cost of a
few designer coffees per month?
If you're not already a member of Acorn U, please E-Mail annie@acorn-is.com to get registered. Acorn hosting customers pay $199 for the entire year, non-hosting customers pay $349.
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2014 Tax Benefits
Every year many Innkeepers look to receive an end of year tax benefit by choosing to pre-pay for services that will occur in the next calendar year. If you've been toying with getting a new Web site, or have been thinking about signing up for Acorn U, or would like to have our Professional Services team help you with your marketing chores, and would like to pre-pay for these services in 2014 that will occur in 2015, please E-Mail Mark@acorn-is.com for assistance.
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PAII Part 1: We invite you to join us!
Acorn IS will be speaking two times at the New Orleans Innkeeping Show.
Presentation: Design and Usability in a Growing Mobile World
Session Date: Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2015
Time: 4:15pm to 5:30pm
Presentation: SEO and How Google Sees Your Business
Session Date: Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015
Time: 4:30pm to 5:45pm
PAII Part 2: Acorn University Students Dinner at PAII
We've all had so much fun in the past on the "Dine-Around-On-Your-Own-Night" at PAII, we're doing it again this year! If you are an Acorn U student and haven't yet let Annie know you want to attend, please contact her ASAP!
Not an Acorn University student but would still like to join us?
Call Annie Buck at 719-219-6732 or E-Mail Annie for more information.
PAII Part 3: PAII sponsored 1-on-1 Session Times
As we understand, PAII is providing 1-on-1 Session times again this year in New Orleans as part of the Trade Show Floor benefits. Please check your program guide and stop by our both to secure an available time with Mark, Lisa or Willie!
As always, these times are based on first come - first served availability.
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Latest Acorn IS Blog Posts
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We are constantly updating our Acorn Internet Services Blog with important REVENUE GENERATING information for all our clients. If you do not automatically receive our Blog posts, we encourage you to do so by registering Here.
If you find an article particularly helpful, please share on Facebook, G+ or Twitter via the SHARE BUTTONS at the top of each Post! |
Your Mobile Presence,
or Lack Thereof,
has Now Been
EXPOSED for All to See!
Posted on December 1, 2014 [Read]
Some Housekeeping for the New Year
Posted on November 25, 2014 [Read]
A Test – Feed Your Blog to Google + and Facebook with Hootsuite
Posted on October 23, 2014 [Read]
Updating RSS Graffiti Permissions for Your Blog Feed
Posted on September 25, 2014 [Read]
Barnacle SEO for Innkeepers – One Pigeon Survival Tactic
Posted on August 27, 2014
Out of 1,000 B&B Sites Reviewed:
33% – 49% Have NO MOBILE Site Whatsoever!
Posted on August 26, 2014 [Read]
Blog Posts Revealing our Newest Sites!
See what Innkeepers are Saying!
If you have been considering a new site, but haven't taken the plunge yet, give us a call for our best offers on a new Responsive Turnkey or Responsive Custom Site.
Click Here to See our Latest Designs!