NEW Benefits for Acorn University Students
We are excited to announce 2 NEW Additional Offerings that will be available during the next few months to our Acorn University students! As we seek to grow our Educational Programs, we continue to find new and benefical ways to help you grow your business!
If you are not currently an Acorn University Student, we encourage you to Join NOW by calling 877-226-7699 or E-Mailing
These benefits are available ONLY for Acorn University Students, so don't miss out! |
1) Advanced Marketing Presentations
Lisa Kolb recently attended the Local University Advanced Program in Baltimore, MD. Speakers included experts in todays Local Online marketing, and are listed below. This was a full day session where we had access to ask and learn what the future holds for search and other areas of online marketing.
As a benefit to our Acorn University Students, we are going to pare down the volumes of data presented at this session into Innkeeper appropriate education, and present it throughout the month of April.
Registration will be available for all Acorn University Students. Watch your Monday Morning Class Announcement E-Mails to Register!
Presenters who Shared Information at the Maryland Session...
Mike Blumenthal -
David Mihm - Director of Local Search Strategy Research at SEOMoz
Mary Bowling and Ed Reese - Sixth Man Marketing
Joel Headley - Google
Aaron Weiche - Spyder Trap Online Marketing
Will Scott -
Bill Slawski -
Mike Ramsey - Nifty Marketing
2) Field Trip Posts
Google Released its Location Discovery App 'Field Trip' on March 7, 2013. The requirements to have your feeds be considered for integration by this app are quite stringent.
So, as a benefit to Acorn University students (and possibly a paid access for non-students in the future) Acorn IS is going to provide a single location for any Innkeeper to place their Field Trip information, in hopes that we can build a strong enough presence together to be picked up by the app.
Learn More about Google Field Trip program at
If you are an Acorn University Student, and would like to participate in this initative, please [Click Here].
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NEW: Author and Publisher Tags
You may have noticed a new type of display when you are seaching in Google. The display includes a small photo of the Author of the article that is being displayed on the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages).

These tags are encouraged by Eric Schmidt, Google’s Executive Chairman:
“Within search results, information tied to verified online profiles will be ranked higher than content without such verification…the true cost of remaining anonymous, then, might be irrelevance.”
If you would like to receive an estimate to add Author and Publisher Tags to your Blog and Website pages, please contact Mark Hall at 719-329-0977 x 1 or E-Mail him at
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This quarter's Free For All Webinar is all about Social Media. Are you doing the right things to keep the conversation going? Come learn what Google says about Local Data and Authorship, and so much more!
This is one Session you are not going to want to miss!
Click Here to Register!
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013
9:00 AM Pacific
10:00 AM Mountain
11:00 AM Central
Noon Eastern
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A year ago we began holding Aspiring and Newbie Innkeeper classes. A short 12 months later we are now approaching 100 Aspiring Innkeepers that have access to what we teach on a monthly basis.
At the Mid Atlantic Innkeepers Conference last week in Maryland, after talking with a few of our clients who had their Inns on the Market, and many of the Newbie and Aspiring Innkeepers that attended, we realized that we should be connecting the two.
So - If you have an Inn for Sale, please email with the following information...
... and we'll see that your Inn For Sale information gets into the hands of our Aspiring Students!
This offer is ONLY AVAILABLE for Acorn Internet Services Clients
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Latest Acorn IS Blog Posts
We are constantly updating our Acorn Internet Services Blog with important REVENUE GENERATING information for all our clients. If you do not automatically receive our Blog posts, we encourage you to do so by registering Here.
If you find an article particularly helpful, please share on Facebook, Google + or Twitter via the SHARE BUTTONS at the top of each Post! |
A New Look for Your Google Plus Page
3/6/2013 [Read]
How to Report Blackmail to TripAdvisor
2/19/2013 [Read]
Recap: PAII 2013 Innkeeping Show
2/6/2013 [Read]
Got Mobile? It’s a MUST HAVE in Today’s Online World!
1/22/2013 [Read]
Calling all Innkeepers: 2013 Revenue Resolutions
1/15/2013 [Read]
BUT… all my GUESTS tell me they LOVE my Web Site!!!
1/13/2013 [Read]
Blog Post Feeds: How To Create “Read More” Snippets
1/2/2013 [Read]
Google Placement: Past, Present and Future
12/21/2012 [Read]
Don’t Buy Into Fake Reviews and Purchased Facebook Fans
12/10/2012 [Read]
Blog Posts Revealing our Newest Sites!
We have been launching new Web site designs like crazy this year, and if you have been considering a new site, but haven't taken the plunge yet, give us a call for our best offers on a new Turnkey or Custom Site.
[See what Innkeepers are Saying!]
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IMPORTANT Quarterly Billing Reminder

This is a friendly reminder that Acorn Internet Services, Inc. will be generating 1st Q Invoices on April 1, 2013 for work completed during the months of January, February and March.
4-01-2013 - Invoices generated
4-15-2013 - Check Payments must be received
4-16-2013 - Credit Card Auto Payments apply at 12:01 AM EST time.
4-17-2013 - If Payments are not received, a Past Due E-Mail notice will automatically be generated and any outstanding work is suspended until payment is made.
Payments not satisfied by the end of the month will result in the Web site being taken offline and re-instatement fees will apply.
Suggestions based on issues we've seen during past billing cycles.
SPAM Folder Alert - Please make sure our Invoice E-Mails arrive to your E-Mail account by adding to your E-Mail safe list. If you don't receive your Quarterly invoice by Midnight on the 1st of October, please check your SPAM folder. If you don't receive your Invoice via E-Mail by Midnight on the 1st of April, please call our Billing Department at 719-329-0977 option 4 ASAP for assistance.
Credit Card Expiration Dates change from time to time, so if you know you've received an updated card or your billing address does not match the card on file, please make sure all your information is correct and also updated on file.
Click the LOGIN Icon Above to review your online account to make sure your Credit Card and billing information File is up to date, or to add a Credit Card to your account for automatic payment.
Don't Remember your Password?
CLICK Forget Your Password in the Client Login box.
Important Note: If you add a Credit Card for Automatic Payment, E-Mail so we may activate it.