3rd Quarter Billing Reminder
Please check your E-Mail for your 3rd Quarter Billing Invoice. Payment is due on October 16, 2012.
10-01-2012 - Invoices generated
10-15-2012 - Check Payments must be received
10-16-2012 - Credit Card Auto Payments apply at midnight
10-17-2012 - If Payments are not received, a Past Due Email notice will automatically be generated and any outstanding work is suspended until payment is made.
If you have questions about items on your invoice, please contact the Acorn Team Member who charged the item to discuss in advance of the 16th.
Payments not satisfied by the end of the month will result in the Web site being taken offline. Re-instatement fees will apply.
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NEW: 2013 Pre-Pay Hosting / E-Mail
When Acorn IS first began in 2002, we surveyed our customers and determined that the majority of you preferred to pay for Hosting and E-mail services after they had been used and a yearly fee paid in advance was not their first payment choice.
This is the first time EVER that Acorn IS is going to offer a Hosting and E-mail Pre-Payment for the upcomming 2013 year.
If you wish to Pre-Pay for your yearly Hosting and E-mail in advance for the following year, we will credit you a 5% savings of your total yearly Hosting and E-mail amount.
If you are interested in learning more about this new program, please E-mail annie@acorn-is.com for details.
Also, please let us know before before December 15, 2012 if you wish to enroll in the yearly savings program. Otherwise your Hosting and E-mail billing cycle will remain as is, being billed quarterly after each quarters use.
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FFA - Find Yourself with Apple Maps

If you were unable to attend our Free For All Quarterly Educational Webinar last week on Apple Maps, I highly encourage you to watch the video at http://ffa.acorn-is.com
See what one attendee had to say about this webinar...
"I learn from all the webinars, but the one on Thursday was particularly helpful. I thought the information incredibly valuable. By using some of the links you gave us to check our out online presence, I have found some listings for my website that need to be cleaned up that I didn't even know about... Thanks for all you do....."
Jan, 1750 Inn on Sandwich Center
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Latest Acorn IS Blog Posts
We are constantly updating our Acorn Internet Services Blog with important REVENUE GENERATING information for all our clients. If you do not automatically receive our Blog posts, we encourage you to do so by registering Here.
09-14-2012: Preparing for Apple Maps
I have had a few forward-thinking innkeepers ask me recently, “How can I make sure I will show up in the new Apple Maps?”. [Read More]
09-21-2012: Google Places Local Listings Broken: Bugs and BOTs
We are currently seeing a couple of different things happening to Innkeeper’s Local Places Listings. [Read More]
09-22-2012: Acorn Video Challenge
At our last Club 60 meeting, Lisa issued a challenge to the innkeepers - to post a video every week, for 12 weeks, and share the video on all available social media outlets. [Read More]
09-27-2012: Bugs and BOTs, Part Two
I have had a few forward-thinking innkeepers ask me recently, “How can I make sure I will show up in the new Apple Maps?”. [Read More]
10-01-2012: Find Yourself with Apple Maps: A How to Video
The following is a link to our Free-For-All Webinar we held last week regarding being prepared for Apple Maps. [Read More]
10-02-2012: Is Panda Playing with your Placement?
Google continues to change their algorithms, as they have for over the last decade. The last few Google Panda updates appear to be rewarding High Quality Websites. [Read More]
Blog Posts Revealing our Newest Sites!
We have been launching new Web site designs like crazy this summer, and if have been considering a new site, but haven't taken the plunge yet, give us a call before October 31, 2012 for our best offers on a new Turnkey or Custom Site.
[See what Innkeepers are Saying!]