Dear Acorn Pay-as-You-Go Client,
Acorn has been at the forefront of the COVID-19 crisis in helping our Advantage Plan innkeepers navigate through these difficult and confusing times. Our Advantage Plan clients at all levels have been taking part on a series of 12 weeks of weekly and twice-weekly webinars, since the start of the state shutdowns, to help them with:
A. Funding – giving the latest information about EIDL and PPP loans: who to call, where to apply, and all of the regulations, as they changed and morphed, so that our clients would have the best information available to make informed financial choices.
B. Re-opening Strategies – from cleaning to staff concerns, website updates to marketing decisions – all of the information to give our clients the best strategies on what to do if forced to close, how to keep promoting the business through charitable work, rooms for front-line workers, etc. - and how to be ready when it was time to re-open.
C. Marketing Re-Start – as the states started to allow travel and lodging to resume, we went into full-gear on how to let people know you are safe to stay, how to angle B&Bs and Inns as safer than large hotels, and how to use your website, third-party services and marketing efforts to communicate that to potential and past guests.
We are concerned that, as a Pay-as-You-Go client, you are missing out on this vital information. If you are not communicating your COVID-19 readiness to your guests, your competitors who are re-assuring guests of their COVID-19 preparedness will be the one to secure the few bookings that are currently happening instead of these guests choosing your property.
Therefore, we have created a special “COVID-19 Readiness” offer to our current PAYG clients.
For only $149, we will:
If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please submit a Support Ticket through our website: https://acorn-is.com/submit-a-support-ticket.htm
We hope that this offer will help keep our PAYG clients in the game against their competitors, and that you will take advantage of it.
We also hope that you will re-think your decision to decline our Advantage Plan options, as our Pay-as-You-Go clients are missing out on so much great, truly helpful, information.
But don’t take our word for it – read what our Advantage Plan clients are saying for yourself: https://acorn-is.com/c19-comments/
Comments, Questions? Please E-mail us at info@acorn-is.com or call 877-226-7699 |