Reservation Box: Yearly Maintenance
Just a quick reminder for those of you who use a Date Box Function on your Web site. If your date box drop downs are set to only reflect dates through the end of last year, please contact or open a support ticket to request the Date Box Function be updated for this year. If you are currently a MarketWatch client, you will also find this reminder in your monthly / quarterly report.
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Is your Website Old, Tired and Outdated?
If so, now is the time to seriously consider what you need to do about your online presence. Google Guidelines have changed drastically in the past 12-24 months regarding their stance on mobile and desktop designs. They are clear in their position that a Responsive design is their recommended configuration.

If you have an older site, I encourage you to watch the video above, and seriously consider moving to a new Responsive Design that will satisfy Google guidelines, and improve your business.
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Is your 2014 Marketing Plan in Place?
A decade ago, all you needed was a decent Web design, on-page SEO and a few inbound links to succeed in the search engines. But I’m sad to say those days are gone. Once you bring your Website into compliancy with Google’s directives, you can’t stop there. You have to continue on with basic ongoing marketing. You can either DIY (Do-it-Yourself) by attending Acorn University and learning exactly what you need to do, or you can choose to have a professional do it for you. Our Managed Marketing Solutions package can do it for you if you don’t want to do it yourself.
Below are the basic ongoing marketing items all innkeepers need to be doing monthly. If you can’t do it yourself, please contact Sharon Rowe at to get started with our basic Managed Marketing Solution program to keep your online presence from falling behind.
Managed Marketing Solution
$560 One Time Setup Fee / $650 per month
• Blog Post Writing (4/month)
• Social Media Posts: FB, Twitter, G+ (5-6/month)
• Pinterest Board: Pins and Posts (4/month)
• E-News Marketing* (1/month)
Additional Social Media support (YouTube, GetFiveStars, Additional Newsletters) available at an additional cost.
*Client is responsible for monthly subscription cost of The client’s credit card will be charged based on the number of E-Mail addresses.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Review Management Tool (NEW!)

“I just wanted to share with you that this system is slick!! We are averaging 50% responses (all 5 stars). And about half of those folks have posted reviews on Trip Advisor, Google (1) and (1). This is an excellent avenue to make a more solid connection, as many of these responses have become more extended conversations about future reservations.
Worth every penny and then some. Thank you for helping us get it set up.”
Nancy & Steve Sandstrom
Pinehurst Inn
Bayfield, Wisconsin
Please contact to get started with this great new tool!
Receive discount pricing when you register through Acorn IS.
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Now Hiring!
Click for Job Description
We are very proud to be a company that is filled with programmers, project managers, technical writers, marketing, local and social media experts that come from all walks of life. Currently, we need to grow our team, and are looking for an entry level programmer who brings along with them past hospitality experience as part of their resume.
I absolutely love it when we find Innkeepers, or second generation Innkeepers (children of Innkeepers) that have gone on to college, and have gained their degree, and bring with them that awesome knowledge of our industry.
We already have a handful of these experienced team members, and they truly understand both sides of the business, and are a great fit to best serve our clients.
If you know of anyone that fits this description, please have them E-mail their resume to for consideration!
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Latest Acorn IS Blog Posts
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We are constantly updating our Acorn Internet Services Blog with important REVENUE GENERATING information for all our clients. If you do not automatically receive our Blog posts, we encourage you to do so by registering Here.
If you find an article particularly helpful, please share on Facebook, Google + or Twitter via the SHARE BUTTONS at the top of each Post! |
Marketing 101: “You’ve got to pick somebody to trust”
February 13, 2014 [Read]
MapQuest Listings Now Administered Through Yext
January 28, 2014 [Read]
Cliff Notes:
Smartphone Website Configurations
Supported by Google
January 24, 2014 [Read]
Recap: PAII 2014 Innkeeping Show
January 23, 2014 [Read]
Important Google Mobile Search Results Changes:
For Separate Mobile Sites ONLY!
January 21, 2014 [Read]
The Truth about Responsive Website Design?
December 17, 2013 [Read]
Google Launches New Sign-In Process and New Products
December 13, 2013 [Read]
Everything you need to know to build a Superior Web site
November 22, 2013 [Read]
O Canada! Guides to Canadian Local Search
November 19, 2013 [Read]
New Google + Cover Images and a G+ Business Page Hint
November 13, 2013 [Read]
Do you Know what you Don’t Know?
November 1, 2013 [Read]
Social Marketing is Like a Box of Chocolates
October 24, 2013 [Read]
Blog Posts Revealing our Newest Sites!
See what Innkeepers are Saying!
If you have been considering a new site, but haven't taken the plunge yet, give us a call for our best offers on a new Responsive Turnkey or Responsive Custom Site.
Click Here to See our Latest Designs!