Acorn Internet Services, Inc.


Advantages of the Advantage Plan

As an industry leader, Acorn is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation for our Advantage Plan clients. We are developing marketing strategies, cancellation policies and best practices for our clients to keep money flowing while our industry has hit the brakes.

We're dealing with inns throughout the country and have seen some best practices and also where some missteps have happened and we're sharing these lessons via webinars with Advantage Plan clients, as well as personal consultations with our Level 3 and above clients.

If you would like to upgrade your level so you too can receive this information during this critical time, please contact our Sales Manager, Tammy Doriot at

For more information on what you get with each Advtantage Plan level, check here:

March/April, 2020: Upcoming Advantage Plan Webinars

Tuesday, 03/24/2020:
Navigating the Waters of COVID-19 for Innkeepers

Friday, 03/27/2020:
Weekly COVID-19 Update

Friday, 04/03/2020:
Weekly COVID-19 Update

Friday, 04/10/2020:
Weekly COVID-19 Update



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Comments, Questions? Please E-mail us at or call 877-226-7699