August 23, 2016 Acorn IS News
We encourage you to take a moment and read through our 3Q Newsletter for the latest news on our FREE Educational Opportunities you won't want to miss, upcoming 2016-2017 Conferences that Acorn IS will be speaking at this conference season, and the Latest Breaking News you need to be aware of that can impact your business.

FREE Continuing Education Opportunities
Winning the OTA Game with Google and TripAdvisor
A Public "Taste of PAII" Webinar
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
11:00 PAC / 12:00 MTN / 1:00 CEN / 2:00 EST
Most Innkeepers have heard all the hub-bub about OTA's impact on your business, especially over the past few months, but do you really understand what it means to your bottom line? Google is your # 1 deliverer of Search Engine bookings, and you need to know that they are now using OTA feeds to determine placement in their local 3-pack listings. And for those of you that think you've put TripAdvisor behind you because you've dropped your Business Listing, surprise, surprise, did you know they are still using your OTA data to sell your rooms, whether you like it or not. The days of OTA's being a "nice to have" are gone. How you play the OTA game can make or break your business, depending on the "lay of the OTA land" in your area. We encourage you to come to this session and expand your OTA knowledge, especially when it comes to TripAdvisor and Google, both of which are some of the biggest providers of your booking guests. Once you understand what is happening out there in the wild with Trip Advisor and Google you'll at least know the rules in the OTA game, so you can create your own strategy to win!
What is a "Taste of PAII?" I was delighted when PAII's Education Manager contacted me and asked that we do a webinar regarding the OTA impact on Google and Trip Advisor. As this was a topic we were about teach to our entire client base as a FREE class, we agreed to do it through PAII and invite all our Acorn IS Innkeepers to attend this FREE session as part of their new online educational line-up.
Stop the Carousel -- I want to get off!
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
9:00 PAC / 10:00 MTN / 11:00 CEN / Noon EST
Are you tired of the up and down revenue carousel? Are you looking for a way to stabilize your bookings? Many Innkeepers who find themselves in this situation are looking for an “easy button” to push which will magically make their revenue grow. The reality of the situation is that Innkeepers who are knowledgeable about their own Inn’s marketing plan have a much better chance of succeeding in the revenue game than those who simply hand over the entire set of keys to their B&B castle to a marketing caretaker.
Select Registry Town Hall Meeting
Thursday, August 25, 2016
9:00 PAC / 10:00 MTN / 11:00 CEN / 12:00 EST
If you are currently a SR member, and haven't already registered for the Town Hall Meeting, please contact directly for access.

Is Your NO Vacancy Sign Collecting Dust?
Would you like to be able to clean it off and hang it up on a regular basis? A custom marketing and monitoring plan from Acorn Internet Services is the answer. With our team of qualified writers and social media experts your marketing plan won't end up in an cookie-cutter assembly line. Contact us at to schedule an individualized assessment of your current marketing status.
If you are currently using another marketing firm, and want to stop paying more and getting less, give us a call at 877-226-7699. Let us show you how we can help.

2016-2017 Conference Opportunities
Florida Sunshine Conference
West Palm Beach, FL
October 4 - 6, 2016
You don't want to miss the wealth of information that will be shared on October 4-6 in sunny West Palm Beach, Florida. Now is the time to invest in yourself and invest in your business. Get inspired, engaged, energized and educated by some of the industry's top thinkers! Learn how to maximize your potential and the potential of your business.
2017 InnSpire Conference & Knowledge Sharing Summit and Marketplace
The Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA
January 29 - February 1, 2017
The Association of Independent Hospitality Professionals (AIHP), Select Registry and the
California Association of Boutique and Breakfast Inns (CABBI) are pleased to announce their partnership for the InnSpire Conference and Knowledge Sharing Summit & Marketplace. This inaugural joint event will take place aboard the Queen Mary in
Long Beach, California, January 29 - February 1, 2017.
America’s Innkeeping Conference & Tradeshow
Saint Charles, Missouri – just outside of Saint Louis
March 26 - 29, 2017
We at the Professional Association of Innkeepers International (PAII) extend the invitation to national, regional, state innkeeper associations, innkeepers, aspiring innkeepers, interim innkeepers, vendors/industry partners, to meet conveniently in the heartland of America for the major event of 2017.

Recent Blog Posts and Other Need-to-Know Information
R U Still Asking Guests Where They Found You?
May 16, 2016
OTA Availability NOW Impacting Google’s 3-Pack and Local Listings
April 24, 2016
Note: We are re-sharing this post from April with all of our clients because we are finding many Innkeepers still do not realize that OTA's are now controlling their Local 3 Pack Placement.
AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
Google is on the move to making AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) available for all types of businesses, and no longer just available for News Articles. We are currently in BETA testing with our first client using AMP. So this is a heads up for Innkeepers who haven't even moved to a Responsive Mobile site yet, your older Website is falling further and further behind the curve.
Need help? Call 877-226-7699 for assistance. |