2nd Quarter Billing Reminder
Please check your E-Mail for your 2nd Quarter Billing Invoice. Payment is due on July 16th.
07-01-2012 - Invoices generated
07-15-2012 - Check Payments must be received
07-16-2012 - Credit Card Auto Payments apply at midnight
07-17-2012 - If Payments are not received, a Past Due Email notice will automatically be generated and any outstanding work is suspended until payment is made.
Payments not satisfied by the end of the month will result in the Web site being taken offline and re-instatement fees will apply.
Please email billing@acorn-is.com if you need assistance.
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FFA - Google + and Google + Local
If you were unable to attend our Free For All Quarterly Educational Webinar last week on Google + and Google + Local, I highly encourage you to watch the video at http://ffa.acorn-is.com
Google + and Google + Local is currently impacting your business, and Innkeepers unaware of these new developments are going to fall behind the marketing curve.
See what attendees had to say about this webinar...
"The Google+ webinar was so informative it peaked my interest to try some of the new features. Thank you very much for taking the time to help us learn all the ins and outs of this social media outlet."
"Dear Lisa and Annie: Thank you for an excellent webinar!"
"That was a fabulous webinar today. Thank you!"
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Is your Revenue where you want it to be?
Increasing your revenue starts with a fresh, quality Website design.
We offer both high end Custom Designs and more moderately priced Turnkey Designs.
Both are exceeding our client’s expectations for bookings and increasing guest’s user satisfaction!
Here are a few customer comments regarding their New Web site Design Success! Click Here to read them all!
...for the first 60 days of 2012, I’m currently up 27 rooms over last year and knocking on the door of all time highest occupancy!
...and crazy busy with the reservations it is generating! Since launch, it’s like managing an entirely different property — our advance reservations are running far ahead of 2011, which was our best year since taking over...
...Year to year revenue increased by 26% the first month we launched the website. Month number two, it increased by 49%! ... Our online booking success rate has gone from 1.6% to 4.8% since launching the website...
...it’s only been up for 5 weeks and I’m kicking myself for not having it done years ago...

Click Here or Call Annie at 877-226-7699 for Details!
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Mother Nature: Fires and Storms
Many thanks to all of you who dropped us a note or called to check on us during the Waldo Canyon Fires here in the Colorado Springs Area. As of today the fires are at 70% containment. Also, there are many of you on the east coast dealing with the aftermath of the storms.
Please keep in your thoughts and prayers all those that lost their homes, were evacuated or are simply dealing with the financial burden of starting over. We had 11 inns in our area that were all evacuated, are now home, and are dealing with the business of getting back in business.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this time.
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In Memorial
It is with great sadness that we share with all of you the news of the loss of our very dear friend and colleague, Rachel Simon Reid.
Rachel was suddenly diagnosed with cancer at the end of May. As she and her husband Ron worked on their plan of attack, it was Rachel's wish to keep the situation quiet until more was known.
It is an understatement to say that the cancer was very aggressive, but we know that she left this world with grace and courage.
For those of you who knew Rachel, please join us in sending thoughts and prayers to Rachel's husband Ron, and their family.