Think Outside the Box!
We have a handful of clients who have been experimenting with marketing alternatives such as Living Social, Groupon, Travel Zoo, etc.

We are hearing very good reports on the response to these marketing avenues. If you have a story to share, please E-mail and we’ll share it for you on our Blog!
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Did You Miss Out on the 2nd
FFA03 (Free-For-All) Industry Webinar?
If you were unable to attend the Local Places: Search, Smart Phones and More Webinar on the 28th, you can catch up on what you missed by watching the FREE video recording.

[Click Here to Watch Video]
Local Places is THE fast growing force in the Search World. Local Places data is now showing up in many different locations beyond traditional search capabilities on a laptop or PC. Smart business owners are learning how to take advantage of these advances to promote their properties and increase their occupancy.
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Mentoring Program
As we see the economy begin to change, we are finding more and more First-Time Innkeepers entering into the world of Innkeeping. We think that providing an open forum and monthly webinar where these new Innkeepers could meet and learn from experienced Innkeepers would be a great benefit to their learning curve in our ever-changing industry.
If you are an experienced innkeeper that would be interested in being involved in sharing your knowledge in a one-time webinar, or if you'd be willing to commit to watching and helping out on a Facebook Group Forum for new Innkeepers please click below and let us know how you would prefer to be involved in such a Mentoring Program!
Yes, I'd be willing to be a Mentor! CLICK HERE
July Webinar Schedule
* CLUB 60 WEBINARS [CLICK HERE] * password required
Access to Acorn University and Club 60 are now billable.
[Click Here] To request a payment invoice for any and all classes in 2011.

We realize that all the tasks an Innkeeper must do to stay on top of their Internet placement can be a bit overwhelming. And as a Project Manager and Innkeeper in a previous life, I am here to help you get organized! Starting in October 2010 we began offering this Webinar designed to help you get a handle on all the tasks you have to do to keep growing your Internet placement. We will show you how to layout your calendar so that you know what to do daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. We’ll not only give you the tools in each of the corresponding Webinars on how to do the work, we’ll help you organize your calendar so you know what to do when for the best results!

You should be tracking your Online Reputation, gaining Blog Inspiration, watching for short bits of information to Tweet and Facebook and and building your Press Contact List on a Daily Basis. Google Alerts gives you the ability to do this in a quick and easy "data delivery" tool!

You should be watching your Business Page for spam posts, growing your Following and sharing good information that you gather from your Alerts on a daily basis. Come learn tips and hints on how to BEST USE Facebook to grow your business!

You should be watching your Twitter account for Direct Messages, and questions others may ask. You should be generating discussion, asking questions yourself to spark interest and grow your following on a Weekly Basis.

We have been teaching our ongoing SEO classes the 1st Wednesday of Every Month for the past two years. These classes are typically for new SEO customers. But in light of the fact that the Internet is changing at the speed of light, we encourage all innkeepers who are interested in making their Organic listings grow, to come and listen to this informative Webinar. This session is offered on an ongoing basis the 1st Wednesday of every month.

Our Club 60 Webinars is open to any Acorn University Registrant who is attempting to spend one (1) hour a day on their Web site and online presence. This session takes our Acorn-IS customers beyond the daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly ToDos. Anything that is NEW on the web becomes fodder for these monthly sessions. It’s the cutting edge topics that can benefit Innkeepers and Small Business Owners in today’s online world. Just in case you are wondering, Club 60 is named for the 60 minutes a day Innkeepers set aside to maintain and grow their online presence.

Do you know where your Phone, E-mail and Online Reservations are coming from? Intell-a-Keeper can tell you! In this session see how this in-house tracking product, designed and built by former Innkeepers, will give you the advantage of knowing exactly where you need to spend your marketing dollars.