Free-for-All Webinar: Success vs. Failure? What Path is YOUR Business On?Are you actively preparing to keep your business alive when others around you are closing their doors? The key is keeping up with the ever-changing environment that has assailed our industry. More and more innkeepers are reaching out to Acorn for help because they realize they have not adequately prepared for the future, let alone the present. They find themselves on the slippery slope of direct booking loss. Lawsuits, lost domains, poorly built and marketed websites, money lost on bad marketing decisions and falling for the next "Easy Button" - - we've seen it all and heard it all, and we continue to help Innkeepers every day with these issues and so much more! We understand that when you find yourself in the untenable situation, you have little to no marketing budget left. Stop the drain! Come to this webinar and learn all about how we have created a cost-effective solution ($199/month and up) to get you back onto the right track and avoid the potholes that those who bury their heads in the sand fall into. Come see how Acorn's new Standard Design can help you get back on track and making money again! Free-for-All Webinar: Success vs. Failure? What Path is YOUR Business On?
Comments, Questions? Please E-mail us at info@acorn-is.com or call 877-226-7699 |